Sunday, May 1, 2011

U.S. Provides PNP With New Equipment

By Philippine National Police Public Information Office

ZAMBOANGA CITY, Republic of the Philippines – The U.S. recently provided nearly 325,000 pesos (USD 7,500)  worth of communications equipment to a local Philippine National Police (PNP) Special Action Battalion following its recent operations in Basilan.

The PNP’s 5th Special Action Battalion received portable radios, laptops, printers, and other communication equipment.

“This equipment will directly benefit Philippine forces on the ground combating terrorist elements in Basilan,” said a senior member of the PNP’s 5th Special Action Battalion. “This program highlights the importance of our partnership with the United States.”

The U.S. Rewards Program provides cash, goods, or services to reward individuals for information or assistance that is beneficial to military force protection or operations against international terrorism, specifically the Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist groups.

The general public is also encouraged to participate in the program.  Individuals or whole communities can qualify for rewards for information or assistance they provide to aid security forces in operations.
Since January 2011, 12 individuals and communities have received rewards totaling more than 4.25 million pesos (nearly USD 100,000).

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