Monday, February 8, 2010

AFP Acquires New 11-Meter Boats; JSOTF-P Assists with Training

By Lt.j.g. Theresa Donnelly, Joint Special Operations Task Force-Philippines Public Affairs

CAVITE, Philippines-Fourteen members of Armed Forces of the Philippines are receiving training on four 11-meter-long Naval Special Warfare Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIB) by Joint Special Operations Task Force-Philippines during a course at Naval Base Cavite which began Jan. 12.

Because terrorism and other lawless activity takes place frequently throughout the waterways where NAVSOU operates, it is imperative that they know how to perform missions using these boats.

The six-week course is designed to give students follow-on training after four RHIBs were purchased by the Philippine Government in July 2009 from the U.S. Maritime Institute. These are the first 11-meter RHIBs purchased for use by NAVSOUs. Initially, NAVSOG sailors were internally trained by the AFP on basic craft operation, maintenance and navigation.

At that point, JSOTF-P’s Task Force Archipelago was asked to conduct an advanced, detailed course at Cavite, similar to the training a U.S. Navy Special Warfare Combat Crewman receives.

“The people going through this course now will become trainers themselves now that they are experts on the boats. After the class, they will then go back to their respective units and train others on what they learned here,” said the JSOTF-P Navy SEAL Officer-in-Charge.

While going through the training, students learned different parts of boat operation and mission execution, such as mission planning, schematics of the boat, night navigation, medical training (if someone is injured while riding), weapons employment and how to perform maintenance to keep the boats fully operational.

Since military subject matter expert exchanges are one of the key mission capabilities of JSOTF-P, sharing this knowledge and enhancing the skill sets of the NAVSOU was an honor for the East coast based Special Boat Team.

“The AFP’s Navy SEALs did a great job during this class. Their motivation to receive this knowledge is great. I was continuously impressed with their enthusiasm and commitment to the training. I am fully comfortable with their ability to operate the boat,” said JSOTF-P’s RHIB detachment Leading Chief Petty Officer.

Upon completion of the training, the crafts will be sent to various units which will enhance the AFP’s capabilities to address transnational crimes and counter maritime threats by conducting Maritime Interdiction Operations.

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